Kids Poems
Beatrix Potter
The wealthy-born Beatrix Potterdidn’t do what her mom and dad taught her.She determined to writelate into the night.Yes, she was an obstinate daughter.
Of hedgehogs and kittens she wrote,and a rabbit who wore a blue coat.She caused some alarmwhen she purchased a farmwhere sheep grazed and ducklings could float.
In time she wrote twenty-three books,illustrated while sitting near brooks.She found farming grandand purchased more landto guard it from covetous crooks.
Ms. Potter liked bunnies and mice.Though her characters weren’t always nice,in the end they were taughtto behave as they ought.Her creatures had sweetness and spice.
Janice Cooley Jones
The wealthy-born Beatrix Potterdidn’t do what her mom and dad taught her.She determined to writelate into the night.Yes, she was an obstinate daughter.
Of hedgehogs and kittens she wrote,and a rabbit who wore a blue coat.She caused some alarmwhen she purchased a farmwhere sheep grazed and ducklings could float.
In time she wrote twenty-three books,illustrated while sitting near brooks.She found farming grandand purchased more landto guard it from covetous crooks.
Ms. Potter liked bunnies and mice.Though her characters weren’t always nice,in the end they were taughtto behave as they ought.Her creatures had sweetness and spice.
Janice Cooley Jones
Melon Head
The dolphin has a melon onthe top of his smooth head.He has no hair to brush or comb,just skin over blubber, instead.
The dolphin has a stomach, ribs,a liver and lungs like you.But he breathes air from his blowhole,which is something no person can do.
The dolphin has two shoulder blades,a heart, a tongue, a brain,and 200 teeth to catch dinner-more choppers than our mouths contain.
A fin on his back, a fin for his tail,two flippers to use for arms.He clicks, whistles and splashes about,displaying his nautical charms.
Janice Cooley Jones
The dolphin has a melon onthe top of his smooth head.He has no hair to brush or comb,just skin over blubber, instead.
The dolphin has a stomach, ribs,a liver and lungs like you.But he breathes air from his blowhole,which is something no person can do.
The dolphin has two shoulder blades,a heart, a tongue, a brain,and 200 teeth to catch dinner-more choppers than our mouths contain.
A fin on his back, a fin for his tail,two flippers to use for arms.He clicks, whistles and splashes about,displaying his nautical charms.
Janice Cooley Jones
Four Fine Frogs
Glass FrogYou can see through this frog’s belly skin,and watch the heart beating therein.Nocturnal and small,she climbs trees most of allin the rainforest with all her kin.
Ornate Horned FrogCalled Pacman for eating so much,He eats dinner with hardly a touch.He swallows food wholewithout using a bowl.He’ll eat lizards, birds, rodents, and such.
Turtle FrogLike a turtle without any shell,in a termite hole she likes to dwell.Those creepy termitesare her banquet delights.She looks like she’s made out of gel.
Tomato FrogWhen a predator comes and he’s scared,this red frog will not want to be snared.His body inflateslike he’s added some weight.Madagascar’s tomato is spared.
Janice Cooley Jones
Glass FrogYou can see through this frog’s belly skin,and watch the heart beating therein.Nocturnal and small,she climbs trees most of allin the rainforest with all her kin.
Ornate Horned FrogCalled Pacman for eating so much,He eats dinner with hardly a touch.He swallows food wholewithout using a bowl.He’ll eat lizards, birds, rodents, and such.
Turtle FrogLike a turtle without any shell,in a termite hole she likes to dwell.Those creepy termitesare her banquet delights.She looks like she’s made out of gel.
Tomato FrogWhen a predator comes and he’s scared,this red frog will not want to be snared.His body inflateslike he’s added some weight.Madagascar’s tomato is spared.
Janice Cooley Jones
Peacefully, quietly, drifting down,scattering miracles all over town,
silently whitening tips of trees,swirling and twirling about in the breeze-
frolicking flakes cause me to stareat beautiful, wonderful, whimsical air.
Janice Cooley Jones
Peacefully, quietly, drifting down,scattering miracles all over town,
silently whitening tips of trees,swirling and twirling about in the breeze-
frolicking flakes cause me to stareat beautiful, wonderful, whimsical air.
Janice Cooley Jones